Tips for Understanding and Managing Your Autistic Child's Behavior

Tips for Understanding and Managing Your Autistic Child's Behavior

Children with autism are LESS likely to misbehave intentionally than typical children. Their apparent bad behaviors -- such as bolting from the room, whacking a peer, refusing to take part in circle time, climbing the fridge -- are often caused by external problems that can be solved by calm, creative parents. These hints and tips, provided in part by readers, may make for a calmer family life.

1. Know Your Child

Few autistic children are intentionally "bad." Many have difficult behaviors. So what's going on? Each child is different, and knowing your own child is key to taking action. Is your child extra-sensitive to sound and light? Does she need lots of sensory input? Is he likely to misunderstand a close approach? The more you know, the easier it is to troubleshoot a situation.

2. Modify Your Expectations

Your mother may have expected you to sit still through a full dinner hour. But that's not a reasonable expectation for most children with autism. Consider starting with a smaller goal -- sitting still for three minutes, eating with a fork, or whatever you think he can handle -- and building toward the larger goal of sitting through a full meal.

3. Modify the Environment

Safety is key. And for autistic children, creating a safe environment is a challenge. Since so many of your child's behaviors may have the potential to be dangerous, it's important to take precautions such as bolting shelves to the walls and floor, putting a dead bolt on the front door, and latching cabinets securely. One reader even put plexiglass on the fronts of bookshelves to keep her child from climbing.

4. Consider the Possible Sources of the Behavior

Many children on the autism spectrum either crave or over-respond to sensory input. Some alternate between the two extremes. Very often, "bad" behavior is actually a reaction to too much or too little sensory input. By carefully observing your child, you may be able to figure out what's setting him off.

5. Remove Overwhelming Sensory Input

If your child is over-reacting to sensory input, there are many ways to change the situation. Of course, the first option is to simply avoid overwhelming sensory settings such as parades, amusement parks and the like. When that's not an option, consider ear plugs, distracting sensory toys, or plain old bribery to get through difficult moments.

6. Provide Sensory Input

If your child is crashing into couches, climbing the walls or spinning in circles, chances are she's craving sensory input. You can provide that in any number of more appropriate ways. Some people recommend bear hugs; other suggest squeezing youngsters between sofa cushions, rolling them up like "hot dogs" in blankets, or providing them with weighted vests or quilts.

7. Look for Positive Outlets for Unusual Behaviors

While climbing the entertainment center may be "bad" behavior, climbing at a rock gym can be a great way to build muscles and friendships at the same time. While spinning at the grocery store may be odd, it's ok to twirl on a tire swing. What's a problem in one place may be a virtue in another!

8. Enjoy Your Child's Successes

We were the only parents on the block to cheer at our son's first intentional fib. We're thrilled when he says "yes" to a playdate, completes a full sentence, or kicks a ball back and forth a few times. He's not likely to captain the soccer team -- but he is successfully becoming himself.
source :
Healthy Snack for Kids

Healthy Snack for Kids

Banana Fruit Smoothie is a Healthy Snack for Kids

This banana fruit smoothie is a healthy snack for kids, but also fun to make.
Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: 05 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
  • one small banana, cut into pieces
  • 2 cups of frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mango, or any other favorite fruit)
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 cups of vanilla yogurt (or plain)
Place ingredients into your blender and blend on

Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Pizza

A Breakfast Pizza Recipe Your Tween Will Love

This breakfast pizza will appeal to your preteen, whether it's a school day or the weekend.
Prep Time: 12 minutes
Cook Time: 11 minutes
Total Time: 23 minutes
  • 1 Refrigerated Can of Pizza Crust
  • 8 Eggs
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter or Margarine
  • 8 ounces of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  • 6 links of Turkey Sausage, cooked and crumbled
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Salsa (optional)
Preheat oven to 425. Line a 12 inch pizza pan with the pizza crust. Bake in oven for about 5 minutes. Remove from the oven. Beat Eggs and Milk together. Add a dash of Salt and Pepper. In a pan, melt Butter or Margarine and then gently scramble the Eggs until they're firm but still moist. Sprinkle the Eggs over the Pizza Crust and add crumbled Turkey Sausage Links and the Shredded Cheddar Cheese. Bake until cheese is melted, about 5 minutes. Top with Salsa. 
4 Cara Merespons Emosi Negatif Anak

4 Cara Merespons Emosi Negatif Anak - Jika pola asuh tak sesuai dengan usia anak, kelewat mendikte, terlalu menuntut lebih, anak harus pintar dan sempurna, serta lainnya sejenis itu, akan membuat anak merasa tak nyaman dan emosi negatifnya semakin menjadi. Orangtua perlu mempraktikkan enam pilar pola asuh positif, salah satunya memahami emosi negatif anak.

Kunci memahami emosi negatif anak adalah mendengarkan keinginan anak, karena kebutuhan anak adalah keinginan didengar, dipahami, dihargai, dilindungi, dan lain-lain. Saat anak sedang marah atau mengalami emosi negatif, orangtua sebaiknya melakukan tip di bawah ini:

1. Validasi atau pahami perasaan atau emosi negatif anak. Misal, "Ayah paham perasaanmu yang sedang sedih, coba ceritakan kepada Ayah supaya kamu lega." Dengan cara ini, anak merasa didengarkan.

2. Hindari memperbaiki perasaan anak. "Ayah tidak suka wajah kamu yang merengut. Coba lihat di cermin." Tanggapan seperti ini hanya akan memblok perkembangan emosional intellegence anak. Biarkan anak mengekspresikan emosi negatifnya, tentu dengan cara yang tidak berlebihan.

3. Berikan batasan, seperti, "Ayah paham, kamu marah. Tapi kamu harus tetap menjaga diri dengan baik. Ayah sayang kamu, Nak." Tujuannya, supaya anak tidak melakukan aksi fisik, ngamuk, melempar barang, dan sebagainya.

4. Berikan pilihan dan dukungan saat anak sudah tenang. Hindari pertanyaan, "Kenapa kamu marah?" Sebaiknya, "Ayah perhatikan, kamu sedang kesal. Ada apa, Sayang?" Pun hindari menyalahkan anak saat ia mengungkapkan kekesalannya, tapi berikan dia waktu untuk menyampaikan perasaan dan pikirannya. Setelah itu, berikan dukungan kepadanya.

(Tabloid Nakita/Irfan Hasuki/Gazali Solahuddin/Hilman Hilmansyah)
10 Things to Know About Breastfeeding

10 Things to Know About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is worth trying. So you don't freak out when you fill up, we'll walk you through it.
Healthy Snacks from A to Z

Healthy Snacks from A to Z

They beg for candy, cookies, chips -- and more candy. What's a health-conscious mom to do? Meet them halfway with these healthy, and tasty, snacks.
A - MYou offer fruit. They beg for candy, cookies, chips -- and more candy. What's a health-conscious mom to do? Meet them halfway, with treats that are crunchy, appealing, and that satisfy their "fun" tooth too.

A Almonds are nutritional powerhouses: high in fiber, protein, vitamin E, calcium, riboflavin, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and healthy monounsaturated fat. A small handful (about one ounce) is just the right amount for kids to munch on. (Note: Do not give nuts to children under 3; they can be a choking hazard.)

B Breakfast Bars are, admittedly, not as good for kids as a bowl of fortified cereal with milk is, but they're more portable and fun to eat. Health Valley brand contains 100 percent RDV (recommended daily value) of vitamin E and 25 percent of calcium, and it's low in fat too.

C Cheese is a great source of calcium and protein, and nearly every child loves it. But you already know that. What you may not realize is that low-fat American slices provide a full 25 percent RDV of calcium and five grams of protein. For a clever presentation, cut slices into shapes with assorted cookie cutters.

D Dried Cranberries, a.k.a. Craisins, are a great alternative to raisins. Sweet, tart, and ruby red, one-third cup provides two grams of fiber and 11 percent RDV of vitamin C. For a snack that will give kids energy to burn, mix them with pistachios or peanuts.

E Eggs are more fun when they're painted in rainbow shades. Hard-boil eggs, then peel and place them in a bowl of water tinted with foodcoloring. After ten minutes, remove eggs and store in the refrigerator. Voila -- a high-quality, protein-packed snack your kids will fight over.

F Fruit Rolls are all-time favorites, but they're not all created equal. The best of the batch is Sunkist 100% Fruit Rolls, enriched with vitamin C. They're sweetened with fruit-juice concentrate instead of corn syrup.

G Gogurt is yogurt in a tube, and trust us: The funky packaging will have kids begging for more. One tube contains 10 percent RDV of calcium, and Gogurt has the LAC (live active cultures) seal, an indication that the product contains live, friendly bacteria, to aid digestion.

H Hummus and veggies are a match made in heaven. Kids love dips, and this one, made from pureed chickpeas and sesame seeds, is high in protein (two grams per two-ounce serving), vitamins B6 and C, and potassium. Smooth and mild-tasting, it's great for dunking assorted veggies.

I Ices are an ideal choice- if they're homemade. Pour 100 percent fruit juice into small plastic cups and freeze. (Insert Popsicle sticks before juice freezes completely.) For extra nutrition, drop a whole strawberry into each cup.

J Jelly spread on rice cakes is ho-hum, but a tower of mini rice cakes with jelly in between is an edible construction project -- and a nearly fat-free snack.

K Kosher Pickle Spears wrapped in deli-counter turkey slices make an excellent between-meal treat. An ounce of turkey provides 10 percent RDV of niacin, 7 percent of vitamin B6, and eight grams of protein. Pickles, though high in sodium, are basically fat- and calorie-free and make bland foods (such as turkey) more appealing.

L Low-fat Chocolate Milk isn't news -- but chocolate slushees are! Freeze in ice-cube trays and blend to make a delicious drink that contains 30 percent RDV of calcium, eight grams of protein, and only five grams of fat.

M Multigrain Toaster Waffles are lightly sweet, and some brands contain two grams of fiber per waffle. Spread with Nutella (a chocolate-hazelnut spread found next to the peanut butter in the supermarket) and fold in half for a dessertlike snack that's neat to eat.

N Nibblers are frozen half ears of corn. Kids will get a kick out of them, and they're just the right size for little hands and between-meal appetites. Pop 'em in the microwave to heat.

O Oatmeal Cookies are an excellent treat for your little cookie monsters. Check the health-food section of your supermarket -- not the cookie aisle -- for brands that are low-fat and high-fiber.

P Pizza Rolls are just the ticket when the kids are craving a slice between meals. Pop these bite-size pockets of crispy dough with pizza filling in the microwave and they'll be ready in less than a minute. Totino's brand contains nine grams of protein per serving.

Q Quick Soups in cups are comforting on cold days and come in a wide range of flavors. Seek out lower-sodium, all-natural brands (such as Fantastic, Nile, and Health Valley), which contain fiber. Surprise the kids by floating a few pretzel goldfish on top.

R Rice-and-Marshmallow treats by Hain contain no additives or artificial flavors. They come in two varieties: regular and with chocolate chips.

S Sweet-Potato Chips are a more nutritious alternative to standard chips. Terra Chips are lightly spiced and contain 80 percent RDV of vitamin A and three grams of fiber in a one-ounce serving.

T Tortillas are a Mexican snack food. Soften a small corn or flour tortilla in the microwave, top with shredded cheese, salsa, and a sprinkling of vitamin-E-packed toasted sunflower seeds, and roll tightly.

U Upside-Down Cake is a homey treat and can be made in less than ten minutes. Place one drained pineapple ring in a custard cup. Spread half a blueberry muffin with apple butter or jam and place over fruit; pop in the toaster oven for five minutes. Invert muffins onto plates. The pineapple contains 10 percent RDV of vitamin C, and the muffin provides complex carbs.

V Vegetable Egg Rolls may be unusual, but your kids will love them. Perfect anytime, egg rolls, in the freezer section of the supermarket, are full of veggies. Look for an additive-free brand (such as Health Is Wealth).

W Whole-Wheat English Muffins are a smart switch from the traditional kind. Enriched with minerals, iron, and fiber, they make a perfect snack when toasted and spread with protein-rich peanut butter. Top with a teaspoon of chocolate sprinkles for extra kid appeal.

X X-change a 300-calorie candy bar for a Bananarama: Cut a banana in half, skewer on a Popsicle stick, drizzle with fudge sauce, sprinkle with nuts, and freeze. Half a banana provides 220 milligrams of potassium and 15 percent RDV of vitamin B6.

Y Yummy pudding (chocolate, vanilla, or butterscotch) gets a calcium boost when you add two tablespoons of dry-milk powder to the dry mix before stirring in milk.

Z Zucchini bread may not be loaded with zucchini, but it is a step up from pound cake nutritionwise. Slice thinly, toast, and spread with light cream cheese.


Helpful Ideas for Picking Baby Names

Helpful Ideas for Picking Baby Names

  1. Choose the right Baby Name for your child!
    Don't feel that you have to stick with family tradition when choosing the right baby name. If you really like a certain baby name, use it. Once your baby is born that name will be with them forever. So why would you settle for just any name.

  2. Think of your child's future.
    Don't mark your child with a name that will haunt him or her for the rest of their life. Many children are picked upon at school and the rest of their lives because of their name. It's important that you have a list of baby names for your newborn.

  3. The initials can be devastating by themselves.
    Make sure the first initials of the first, middle and last name do not spell anything undesirable. There are times that initials alone are required through life and having initials that spell obscene words can be very embarrassing. Most people do not look at the initials when making their baby name choices. That's why Baby Name Guide includes the initials as part of the baby names favorites list.

  4. Keep your family member's names in the forefront of your mind.
    You may want to name your child after a grandparent, parent or other family member. Maybe that's tradition and you want to keep that tradition. That's fine, but first make sure a cousin, nephew or other family member is not using the name. It can be very confusing for everyone if there are two people in a family with the exact same name.

    Ask around the family to make sure other relatives are not considering the same name. Other family members may have a special bond with a grandparent or relative and they are saving that name for their child. Work with them to create a variant name for their child or yours. Be mindful of other family members.

  5. Consider your ethnic background when choosing baby names.
    Be proud of your heritage by using a name that is part of your ethnic history. Baby Name Guide separates its database into 21 nationality categories. Each category is carefully created to represent the most common names used for that nationality. You can also do a quick search by origin.

  6. Don't be too creative with your child's name.
    Being unique is sometime confusing. If you are thinking of an alternative spelling for a name make sure that name exists. Your child will always have people spelling her or his name wrong if their name is not in the normal realm of thinking. It will also be impossible to buy any name-associated product for your child including toys, ornaments and jewelry. You would have to have it personalized, which may mean more money and time. Example: Variations of Gary can be spelled Garry, not Gari.

  7. Make the middle name something special.
    Be more creative on the middle name. Use a name that may not work as the first name. This maybe the perfect spot for a relatives name. Have fun with the middle name. 

Inspirasi Nama Bayi Tren 2012

Inspirasi Nama Bayi Tren 2012 - Memilih nama bayi juga butuh referensi. Untuk tren nama bayi 2012, kecenderungannya adalah nama-nama yang unik dan memodifikasi dari nama lama. Orangtua juga cenderung melakukan pencarian nama secara lebih mendalam dengan menelusuri asal katanya. Jika Anda ingin memadukan nama bayi, dengan penggabungan nama timur dan barat, tren nama bayi 2012 ala barat ini bisa menjadi pilihannya.

Nama melegenda era modern
Sosok ternama, baik dalam sejarah, film fiksi, atlet, hingga nama selebriti tersohor yang melegenda di era modern menjadi sumber inspirasi dan tren nama bayi pada 2012. Seperti penyanyi Mariah Carey yang memberi nama anak perempuannya, Monroe, terinspirasi dari bintang ternama melegenda Marilyn Monroe.

Serupa tapi tak sama

Memilih nama bayi yang sudah populer tak selamanya baik. Anda bisa memodifikasinya sedikit, agar tetap menyerupai nama yang terkenal tersebut, tetapi tak persis sama. Di dunia barat, nama seperti Isabella cukup populer. Tren 2012, nama ini mengalami modifikasi menjadi Arabella atau Annabelle misalnya. Tetap terdengar seperti nama yang terkenal, namun berbeda dan memiliki arti tersendiri.

Berkesan "galak"Nama yang berkesan agresif bahkan "galak" juga menjadi pilihan. Tujuannya lebih kepada memberikan kesan yang berani dan tegas. Nama binatang yang terkenal ganas mewakili karakter berani. Kalau di barat nama seperti Bear, Fox, Wolf, Leo atau Lionel dari kata Lion juga digemari. Anda bisa memodifikasinya sendiri dan menafsirkan keberanian dengan nama-nama lainnya yang sesuai.

Nama arah

Nama arah West, North, East dan Easton sebagai pengembangan dari East populer di masyarakat barat. Westley sebagai pengembangan dari West juga sering digunakan. Kira-kira, nama barat ini cocok tidak ya dipadukan dengan nama Indonesia? Jika suka, silahkan saja coba padu padan, sebelum akhirnya mengambil keputusan.

Diawali huruf ANama bayi berawal dari huruf A populer beberapa tahun terakhir. Nama yang diawali huruf A lebih menarik perhatian, terutama untuk anak perempuan. Nama-nama ini bisa menjadi inspirasi: Acacia, Ada, Anais, Annelise, Anouk, Aria, Athena, Aurelia, Azalea. Sedangkan untuk anak laki-laki: Alistair, Ambrose, Aragon, Archer, Arthur, Augustus, dan Axel.

Diawali huruf MNama yang diawali huruf konsonan J, K, L populer dalam beberapa dekade. Tapi untuk 2012, nama bayi diawali huruf M akan menjadi tren. Nama anak perempuan berawalan M di antaranya: Maeve, Magdalena, Maisie, Marguerite, Marlo, Marlowe, May, Mila, Millie, Minnie. Sementara untuk anak laki-laki: Magnus, Micah, Miller, Milo, Montgomery, Moses.

Bermakna kuat dan berani dari kata sifatPilihan nama bayi kini beralih dari kata benda menjadi kata sifat. Seperti True, Noble, Brave, Strong, Loyal, Loving, Sunny, Golden, Royal, Happy.

Nama Betty populer lagi

Nama Betty sempat populer di masa lampau, dan sempat dianggap sebagai pilihan nama yang takkan muncul kembali. Namun 2012 nanti, nama ini justru akan naik ke permukaan dan kembali digemari. Blogger Gabrielle Blair mengawalinya, dengan menamai anaknya, Betty.

Kesan manis dengan gaya vintagePenambahan dua huruf -ie memberikan kesan vintage yang manis. Di akhir abad 19, nama yang diakhiri huruf "y" menjadi tren. Sementara era 60-an, nama yang diakhiri huruf "i" begitu disukai. Nah, pada 2012, era vintage kembali berjaya, dengan nama yang diakhiri -ie. Seperti Addie, Nellie, Hattie, Lottie. Nama-nama seperti ini cukup familiar di Indonesia, bukan?

Sumber: Huffington Post 
10 Cara Menambah Penghasilan dari Rumah

10 Cara Menambah Penghasilan dari Rumah - Ibu rumah tangga juga bisa berkontribusi menambah penghasilan keluarga. Jika tak suka menjadi reseller atau menjual produk tertentu seperti kebanyakan bisnis sampingan kaum ibu, Anda bisa berpenghasilan dari rumah dengan sejumlah cara lain. Manfaatkan keterampilan yang Anda miliki untuk menjalankan beberapa ide bisnis dari rumah ini.

1. Desain grafis
Anda suka mengutak-atik gambar dengan photoshop? Atau bahkan Anda punya latar belakang pendidikan desain grafis atau komputer misalnya. Jika pun tidak, Anda bisa memelajari cara mengaplikasikan fitur photoshop di PC atau laptop Anda. Manfaatkan talenta Anda dengan Photoshop untuk menciptakan bisnis sendiri.

Dengan keterampilan Photoshop, Anda bisa merancang desain banner atau logo iklan, kartu nama, atau berbagai produk berbasis  digital lainnya untuk berbagai acara, seperti kelahiran, ulang tahun dan lainnya. Untuk memulai bisnis ini, lakukan sejumlah langkah awalnya:
* Promosi melalui forum dengan cara tak langsung, misalnya, ganti signature profil Anda dengan link website perusahaan desain grafis yang Anda dirikan.
* Lakukan barter dengan website di bidang advertising.
* Bagikan kartu nama Anda kepada sasaran langsung.
* Kumpulkan kartu nama orang lain, lalu hubungi mereka, dan tawarkan untuk membuatkan kartu nama dengan gratis biaya desain.

2. Desain website
Jika Anda memiliki keterampilan mendesain website, manfaatkan celah bisnis potensial ini. Banyak orang mencari jasa perancang website dengan harga terjangkau, karena banyak orang yang ingin memiliki website sendiri namun tak tahu cara membuatnya.

Berikut beberapa langkah untuk memulainya:
* Kembangkan beberapa website yang ditawarkan gratis, sebagai cara berpromosi agar orang lain terhubung langsung ke website perusahaan Anda.
* Bangun jejaring dengan ibu yang bekerja dari rumah, dan tawarkan jasa Anda.
* Buatkan desain website untuk teman atau keluarga Anda, lalu hubungkan langsung website mereka dengan situs perusahaan Anda.
* Hubungi pemilik usaha kecil di sekitar Anda, dan tawarkan jasa desain website milik Anda.

3. Penitipan anak
Anda bisa mendirikan jasa penitipan anak secara mandiri, sekaligus mencarikan teman untuk anak Anda di rumah. Langkahnya:
* Mencari informasi dari teman atau keluarga, terutama para ibu bekerja, yang membutuhkan jasa penitipan anak.
* Beriklan di media cetak lokal atau di yellow pages.
* Sebarkan flyer di sekitar tempat tinggal Anda, terutama pusat perbelanjaan.

4. Penulis lepas
Jangan sia-siakan kemampuan menulis Anda. Selain media massa, penerbit buku juga membutuhkan penulis baru yang segar dan bertalenta. Mulailah mengasah kemampuan menulis Anda secara lebih serius dan berpenghasilan darinya dengan cara:

* Berjejaring dengan media massa dan penerbit buku, cari informasi dari mereka mengenai kebutuhan penulis. Untuk media cetak, seperti surat kabar atau majalah, tanyakan apakah mereka membutuhkan jasa kontributor. Celah ini dapat Anda manfaatkan untuk memulai menulis rutin dari rumah.
* Kirimkan email kepada sejumlah situs internet, dan tanyakan apakah mereka tertarik untuk membeli artikel Anda yang terkait dengan perusahaan mereka. Lampirkan biodata diri dan contoh tulisan Anda.
* Jual artikel Anda melalui website yang menyediakan jasa pembelian artikel.

5. Mengajar privat
Jika Anda berpengalaman sebagai pengajar, dan memiliki keterampilan lain di musik misalnya, Anda dapat menawarkan diri untuk mengajar privat. Langkahnya:
* Kirim surat penawaran atau hubungan pihak sekolah di dekat tempat tinggal Anda, dan tawarkan jasa mengajar privat untuk beberapa bidang.
* Beriklan lah di surat kabar lokal.
* Hubungi komunitas homeschooling di sekitar Anda dan tawarkan jasa mengajar privat ini.

6. Bisnis kerajinan

Keterampilan Anda menjahit, membuat kerajinan, atau berbagai hobi lainnya dapat menjadi prospek bisnis menguntungkan. Mulailah berbisnis dengan cara ini:
* Miliki akun ebay, lalu jual produk kerajinan buatan Anda dari sini.
* Jual produk kerajinan Anda di berbagai bazaar atau event belanja di sekitar tempat tinggal Anda.
* Buat kartu nama, dan sebarkan di tempat-tempat yang layak dan sesuai sasaran.
* Buat flyer berisi ide hadiah dari produk kerajinan, dan sebarkan jelang musim liburan atau perayaan tertentu.
* Kumpulkan daftar nama pelanggan. Kumpulkan juga daftar hari ulang tahun dan hari jadi pernikahan kerabat, teman, kenalan dan tawarkan mereka produk kerajinan Anda sebagai hadiah.

7. Coaching
Coaching menjadi industri baru yang potensial. Banyak orang membutuhkan coaching untuk sukses dalam kehidupan pribadinya, dan meraih kebahagiaan. Seorang coach membuka dirinya untuk dihubungi melalui email dan telepon untuk membantu klien mencapai sukses dan meraih impiannya. Cara memulai bisnis ini di antaranya:
* Ikuti training untuk menambah keilmuan Anda.
* Tulis artikel yang mempromosikan bisnis coaching Anda, dan sertakan pertautan langsung ke website Anda.
* Tawarkan sesi perkenalan tanpa dipungut biaya kepada klien potensial Anda.

8. Fotografi
Hobi fotografi, yang juga disertai pengalaman Anda memotret berbagai objek menghasilkan banyak stok gambar yang bisa diperjualbelikan. Tawarkan stok foto Anda kepada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang fotografi.

Langkah awalnya:
* Mulailah menggali pasar segmen tertentu, seperti fotografi hewan peliharaan misalnya. Lalu buat flyer dan sebarkan ke komunitas terkait.
* Sebarkan kartu nama Anda kepada keluarga, ibu dengan anak yang fotogenik, atau ibu hamil, jika Anda fokus pada jasa fotografi ibu-anak misalnya.
* Jual foto Anda kepada situs stok fotografi. Cari informasi mengenai jual-beli stok foto melalui internet.

9. Konten video
Video menjadi tren terkini terutama dengan maraknya penggunaan media online. Keterampilan Anda dapat menjadi sumber penghasilan, dengan cara memvideokannya dan menjualnya melalui website yang memberikan jasa tutorial, misalnya memasak, merajut, renovasi rumah, dan lainnya.

Berikut tips-nya:
* Hubungi website penyedia jasa tutorial via video melalui email. Kerajinan, memasak, dan keterampilan lainnya dapat menjadi konten untuk website penerbit video.
* Ciptakan sendiri video tutorial, dan promosikan diri Anda sebagai ahli di bidang tertentu, misal video kelas menjahit, memasak dan berbagai keahlian spesifik lainnya.

10. Blogging

Menulis blog juga dapat menjadi mata pencaharian. Banyak contoh nyatanya, sebuah blog berhasil menarik perhatian perusahaan besar dan menggandeng blogger untuk bekerjasama dengannya. Anda juga bisa menawarkan tulisan di blog Anda kepada perusahaan terkait dengan konten tersebut. Caranya, perkuat jejaring dengan berbagai pihak yang membutuhkan jasa blog. Bahkan saat ini, penerbit buku juga tertarik menerbitkan tulisan di blog, yang menarik, untuk dijadikan buku.

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